Openly Gay Apple CEO Tim Cook was Apparently on Clinton's VP Shortlist


Apple CEO Tim Cook, who is openly gay, was apparently on Hillary Clinton's shortlist of vice presidential candidates, according to tech site Gizmodo, which cites an email leaked from Wikileaks.

Along with Cook, Clinton was also eyeing other tech/business giants, including Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.

The email in question was sent on March 17, 2016 from John Podesta, Clinton's campaign chair. The message from Podesta sent to Clinton features a "first cut of people to consider for VP." Podesta adds the list is organized "in rough food groups."

Click herek to view the email via Wikileaks.

Reporter Alex Griswold also posted the letter on Twitter.

Had Clinton gone with Cook, over her current VP pick Sen. Tim Kaine, it would have made history as the Apple CEO would be the first openly gay vice presidential nominee.

Gizmodo writer William Turton notes, however, "I don't think Apple shareholders would be too happy if he left Apple to join the campaign trail."

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