NOW NY Organizes Trump Protest to Call for End to Sexual Violence


On Wednesday, October 12, Eve Ensler and Women's Rights allies will gather in Columbus Circle, at 60th Street and Broadway near New York City's Central Park, to protest Donald Trump's casual treatment of sexual assault.

"This Stops NOW," write organizers. "The National Organization for Women New York will stand with our members and allies from across the city to reject Donald Trump for diminishing the seriousness of sexual assault; for his long record of victim-blaming and woman-hating rhetoric; and to unite women and men to say This Stops NOW. It's time to Take Rape Seriously."

What Donald Trump said is not just "talk." What he described is sexual assault and what he defined is rape culture.

Donald Trump's comments reflect his values and those laid out by his campaign, whether it's his view of sexual assault in the military, his campaign's victim-blaming comments about rape, or his long and well-documented history of misogyny.

Women and men are standing together, because the movement to end sexual assault and shut down rape culture goes way beyond Donald Trump.

NOW-NYC advocates for the women and girls of New York City, by working to promote women's reproductive rights, secure women's economic empowerment, and end violence and discrimination against women.

Join NOW at 12:30 p.m. on Wed., Oct. 12 at 60th Street and Broadway near New York City's Central Park.

For more information and to RSVP, visit

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