Missouri Religious Exemption Measure Advances

Summer Ballentine READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Missouri's GOP-led Senate on Wednesday advanced a proposal to add greater religious protections to the state Constitution for some business owners and individuals opposed to gay marriage after Democrats stalled a vote for more than 30 hours.

The move marked an end to a stalemate reflecting a national debate over balancing civil rights and religious liberties following last year's U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage.

The measure faces another vote in the Senate before it can move to the House.

The measure would prohibit government penalties against those who cite "a sincere religious belief" while declining to provide goods or services of "expressional or artistic creation" for same-sex marriage ceremonies or ensuring celebrations.

Revisions adopted Wednesday include a provision that businesses are protected if they deny services during a wedding or close before or after a reception.

The measure comes after bakers and florists have faced legal challenges in other states for declining to provide services for same-sex weddings due to their religious beliefs.

"No one should be compelled to make a work with their own hands that's offensive to their beliefs," Republican sponsor Sen. Bob Onder said during earlier debate on the measure.

Democrats fought the measure for days, saying it would allow discrimination against same-sex couples and could hurt the state economy.

Republicans used a rare procedural move to force a vote and end a filibuster that started Monday afternoon.

The last time GOP Senate leaders employed the tactic was during the final week of session last year, and Democrats in response shut down action in the chamber for days. There still are weeks left in this year's legislative session, which ends in mid-May.

Missouri's largest statewide business organizations have taken no position on the measure, though the St. Louis Regional Chamber has raised concerns.

Some businesses, including St. Louis agricultural giant Monsanto, have opposed it.

The filibuster marked the longest continuous debate in recent Missouri history. Four Senate Democrats - including current U.S. Rep. William Lacy Clay Jr. - led a 38-hour filibuster spread over five legislative days against an abortion bill in 1999. That bill ultimately passed the Senate.

by Summer Ballentine

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