Rum Recipes for the Holidays


Skip the bubbles and go for the rum this holiday season. We've asked some of our favorite mixologists from around the country to give us their take on an inventive rum-based cocktail. Start shaking and let the holidays begin!

Moment Alone
Mixologist: Mike Treffehn
The Franklin Mortgage & Investment Co.
Inspiration: This cocktail is inspired by gorgeous Philadelphia nights and is all about enjoying drinks with friends until the sun dips into the dark sky and you sit down to a delicious, hearty meal. The drink is both comforting and familiar, while being unapologetically bold --- just like Philly

1 part Cruzan� Aged Light Rum
1 part Cruzan� Aged Dark Rum
3/4 part Fresh Lemon Juice
1/2 part Fresh Grapefruit Juice
3/4 part Homemade Basil Syrup

Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker over ice and shake. Strain into a chilled coupe glass. Garnish with Fresh Cracked Pepper.

Homemade Basil Syrup
8 parts Water
8 parts Sugar
8 Fresh Basil Leaves

Combine Water and Sugar and bring to a boil over high heat, stirring until Sugar is dissolved. Let cool. Then in another pot, drop Basil Leaves in boiling Water and remove quickly, transferring to ice Water to stop cooking. Combine chilled syrup with Basil in a blender then strain.

Chicago Shoreline

Mixologist: Benjamin Newby
Inspiration: This is all about the Windy City and to keep everyone looking their best during an indulgent holiday season, this cocktail is low-calorie and features natural ingredients. Coconut water is infused with strawberries, mint and cucumber and mixed the smooth taste of Cruzan Aged Light Rum and lemon juice. A dash of bitters brings adds some seasonal spice.

2 parts Cruzan� Aged Light Rum
3 parts Infused Coconut Water*
1 part Fresh Lemon Juice
2 dashes Angostura� Bitters

Add all ingredients in the order above in a Collins glass over ice. Garnish with a Mint Sprig and a Strawberry.

Infused Coconut Water
1 quart Coconut Water
1 Cucumber, sliced
8 Strawberries, sliced
15 Mint Leaves

Combine all ingredients in a pitcher and chill overnight.


Mixologist: Nick Dietrich
Cane and Table
Inspiration: The cocktail is inspired by the Rum Ramsey, a truly New Orleans drink. Combining a spirituous sipper format, anise aromatics, and a touch of New Orleans' Peychaud's Bitters, the Natchez Cocktail embodies the types of drams sipped along the crescent river.

1 1/2 parts Cruzan� Estate Diamond� Light
1/2 part Knob Creek� Bourbon
1/4 part Velvet Falernum�
1 dash Peychaud's� Bitters
Herbsaint� Legendre Rinse

Combine all ingredients, excluding Herbsaint Legendre Rinse, in a cocktail glass. Add ice and stir 35-40 times. Rinse a chilled cocktail glass with Herbsaint Legendre and strain cocktail over the glass.


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