'Tranny' and 'Gay' Joke Didn't Offend Pres: Obama Pens Letter Praising Rivers


Either time heals all wounds, or President Obama has a much better sense of humor about himself than anyone imagined.

In a recent marathon-length edition of E! network's "Fashion Police," Melissa Rivers, daughter to the late actress comedienne spoke with hosts about a letter of condolence she received from the White House following her mother's death early this month. Red Alert Politics reports.

"She affected so many people, and people you would never expect to have humor," said the younger Rivers. "I received a letter from the White House, from President Obama - someone who was often a target of her jokes, as was Mrs. Obama - but I received a handwritten note saying 'not only did she make us laugh, she made us think.'"

The letter from the president may have come as a surprise to many in light of a joke Rivers made about him and his wife to a reporter earlier in the summer.

According to the New York Daily News, during a sidewalk interview in New York City in July, Rivers was asked about officiating an impromptu gay wedding during a book signing. The reporter followed up with a question about whether she thinks the U.S. will first see a gay president or woman president.

"We already have it with Obama, so let's just calm down," Rivers said, followed by "You know Michelle is a tranny."

Rivers' comments set of a firestorm of criticism from many in the LGBT who later recanted after the beloved comedienne's death in light of her long record of support for LGBT and AIDS related causes.


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